Many people become confused in Chinese restaurants if they are not experienced with the cuisine on offer. They are slightly intimidated by the exotic names and mix of ingredients making up the dishes. So to help the inexperienced, we have decided to explain what is often on the menu! Today we will start (excuse the pun) with Starters!
Wonton wrappers are filled with ground pork and a variety of vegetables and seasonings before they are deep-fried.
Crab Rangoon
This starter has become very popular in some parts of the USA, although it is not an authentic Chinese dish. The wontons are stuffed with crab, cream cheese and scallions and deep-fried.
These are very popular in the west even though they are not eaten in China. Egg rolls are a larger version of Spring rolls. They are normally filled with barbecued pork or shrimp - vegetables can include cabbage, celery, suey choy, and/or bean sprouts.
Spring Roll
Spring Roll
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